健康 Insurance


持有F-1签证的学生在就读SPU期间将自动通过LewerMark公司加入健康保险计划. 持有其他签证状态的学生可以注册自己的保险计划,或者联系ISS检查他们是否有资格注册LewerMark计划. LewerMark计划在学生在校期间以及在国外旅行或学习期间保护学生. For additional information, visit their website.

电话: 800-821-7710

健康 insurance FAQ

If I am not in the U.S. 整个夏天,我需要买健康保险吗?

是的! 在西雅图州立大学读书期间,每个季度都必须购买健康保险. LewerMark保险覆盖您在世界任何地方(除了您的祖国). 它还包括你往返于本国和往返于美国的旅行.S.


是的! 如果你是SPU的学生,你每个季度都必须购买健康保险——即使你没有注册课程. 这包括一个休假季度,减少课程负担季度,或休假. 如果你在一个学年(秋季-春季)有两个或两个以上的季度没有注册, 你需要和你的国际学生顾问谈谈你的选择, as your insurance coverage may end.

Why do I need coverage when I am not in the U.S. or at home and not covered in my home country?

LewerMark只在投保的前六个月提供非常有限的既存疾病保险. 每次你的健康保险中断,你都要再次接受这六个月的期限. Additionally, 连续注册可确保您在您可能在美国的季度之前或之后的几天内获得覆盖.S. or in-transit. If you were not enrolled continuously, 如果生病或发生意外,你会有危险, without coverage, 治疗的经济影响可能是有害的. As a result, SPU (as do many universities in the U.S.(美国)有一项政策,要求学生在攻读学位期间全年都有保险. 医疗保险是为了保护你,让你在SPU和美国安心.S!

My parents already have health insurance for me. What should I do?

SPU要求所有持有F-1或J-1身份的国际学生都有LewerMark保险. 有一个程序,要求从LewerMark保险豁免. Please contact us for additional information.

My spouse has health insurance for me. What should I do?

SPU要求所有持有F-1或J-1身份的国际学生都有LewerMark保险. 有一个程序,要求从LewerMark保险豁免. Please contact us for additional information.

我有政府资助的奖学金. What should I do?

You need to contact our office at for more information. 你将被要求出示政府提供的保险证明.

我是一名国际学生,但没有F-1签证. What do I do?

All students at SPU should have insurance; however, 你将不能参加LewerMark的健康保险. You should secure insurance coverage independently. LewerMark确实为其他签证类别的学生提供了一些计划. Contact us to see if you might be eligible.

How do I get an insurance card or find a doctor?

访问 the LewerMark website: 在你输入好的赌博软件推荐后,它会询问你就读于哪所学校, you will see an icon for Print ID Card. 你可以点击它并按照指示获得一张卡片. You can print it off and carry it with you.


是的! In fact, we recommend it! 他们提供与标准医生办公室相同的大部分服务,并提供非常个性化的关注. It is also very convenient to see someone on-campus. 他们每季度对非住宿学生收取少量费用(只有一次,所以你可以整个学期都使用该中心), as many times as you need to). 这通常比在校外看医生要便宜. 你的LewerMark保险也包括健康中心的服务!

I have questions about my coverage. Who can help me? How do I contact someone from LewerMark?

LewerMark website 是一个很好的了解你的覆盖面的资源吗, finding a doctor and getting your questions answered. 的y are available by chat, phone or email.

When does my coverage start and end?

报道从上课的第一天开始,一直持续到下个学期开始的前一天. SPU has four quarters, 你每个季度都要登记,这样你全年都有持续的保险. LewerMark还提供免费的30天到达服务, 这样一来,新生一进入美国就可以享受医疗保险.S.

我就要毕业了,就要回国了. Am I covered?

如果你即将毕业并计划在30天内回国, 你的LewerMark保险可以在你毕业后延长30天. 你必须让赌博十大靠谱软件知道你是否要毕业,以及毕业后你的计划是什么, as the extension is not automatic. 如果您需要将您的保险延长30天以上,您可以访问 Lewer Global for enrolling in a plan that suits your needs.

I plan to apply for OPT after I graduate. Can I still enroll in LewerMark insurance?

申请并获得OPT的学生可以参加LewerMark保险. Students are not enrolled automatically; they must contact ISS to enroll. Coverage continues using the quarter dates, 学生可以继续投保,直到OPT结束. 如果学生在任何时候拒绝保险,学生可能不会在以后重新注册.

What if I was charged for health insurance in error?

如果你认为你被收取了不应该被收取的保险费用,你可以上诉. 退款请求必须在初始收费后60天内发送至


Student 健康 Services

SPU的校内健康诊所对所有学生开放, 教师, and staff and provides low-cost, comprehensive medical care.